The Importance of Preroll Samples

October 1, 2009

The shortcoming of traditional sampling is usually not in the notes themselves, but the space before, between, and after notes. One of the cool technologies Orange Tree Samples developed is variable preroll samples, which addresses the space before notes to maximize the realism of the attack of notes...

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Topics: Articles, Pursuit of Realism

Easy Sample Library Mapping Method

October 1, 2009

Traditionally the filenames for samples follow a basic format which includes the articulation, velocity layer, and note name. These labels are usually interchangeable--for example: "Sustain_Soft_D4" "C#3-Slide-Loud" While this file naming convention includes all the elements to identify and map samples, it is far from efficient when dealing with hundreds, even thousands of samples...

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Topics: Articles, DIY Sampling